How to Respond When Someone Comments on Your Body
A frequently asked question I hear is:
"How do I respond when someone comments on my body, but it doesn't feel good for me?”
Here are my (and your) favorite responses - find one that feels right for you!
14 Ways to Work Towards Health, Without Weight Loss
“How can I improve my health without losing weight?” is a question that comes up often in my client sessions. Here are 14 ways you can begin thinking about your health, that do not include weight loss.
Why We Practice from a Weight-Inclusive Lens
Here we break down why a weight-centric approach to health is harmful and why we choose to focus on a weight-inclusive approach, here at Tory Stroker Nutrition.
Steps to Not Hate Photos of Yourself
Intuitive eating coach breaks down 5 simple steps women can take to actually like/feel neutral about photos of themselves.
Why I Don’t Want You Commenting on My Child’s Body
“Wow, look at those chubby thighs!”
“Look at his big round stomach; he must be a good eater.”
“She is so skinny, she needs to eat more!”
Do these comments sound familiar? I bet you’ve heard a comment like this in the context of your own body as a child, or your child’s body. Although these comments are usually well intended, these types of statements can often be much more harmful than helpful. Here’s why:
9 Steps to Raise an Intuitive Eater
If you have ever struggled with your relationship with food as an adult, all you ever want is for your child not to struggle in that way. Here, I break down 9 steps to take in order to raise kids who are intuitive eaters.